Thursday, December 20, 2007

Getting ready for Christmas!

Wyatt's school had their Christmas program on Thursday. I was so cute. He had practiced so much and was so happy he was going to be a king. But putting him up on stage... he had stage fright. He hardly sang a word standing so still, just licking his lips (A nervous habit) and staring out into the audience. Poor little guy, he was so excited about the program.

Sunday was our Company Christmas party and kids are always invited. Working for Holiday World and it being a family oriented park, we always include the kids. Holiday World is the best company I have ever worked for. Will and Mrs Koch are truly wonderful people. Craig got his 5 year with the company award.

Wyatt finally got his magazine subscription. They have all kinds of quick crafty things to do. Here they made sailor hats, colored and decorated them.

I have been busy catching up and getting ready for the 2008 year at work. I was out for a week in Guatemala and now I will be off work for another week between Christmas and the New Year.

Aren't they cute! My family watching Wizard of Oz for the Umpteenth time!
Rylee and Wyatt will both be going to Y Wee Care (Pre-School /Day care) starting in January. Rylee is very excited about it and want so badly to go to school like big brother. I worry of course. I hope she does not plan on eating anymore blue crayons!

The presents have started coming! Thank you Lin and Jerry. The kids love their gifts. We played Zingo last night 8 times. Wyatt really love that game.

That's this past week in a nut shell.


Becky said...

Love the blue face and the paper hats! My kinda fun!
Are you having as much "off to preschool" anxiety as I am? Juliana start th first week of January as well.