Tuesday, December 4, 2007

From the beginning!

I am back dating my posts to match the date of these events to make it easier to follow. I hope I don't confuse everyone. I copied this from my journal!

I got up early this morning with a knot in my stomach. I was so excited about leaving for Pana tomorrow. I am really going to miss my kids. They have been so good lately and it makes it so much harder to leave them. I only worked a half day to come home and tie up loose ends. I had a terrible headache from nerves and took a quick nap and woke up as Craig was pulling into the drive. I said my goodbye to my kids :( I left for my 3 hour drive to Indy about 3:30. I stayed at my S-I-L Janelle so she can drive me to the airport in the morning. We were suppose to get 6" of snow tonight!!!! Ugh!