Yesterday was our JDRF Walk at Holiday World. We all had a wonderful time. I personally want to thank all my teammates and all the walk sponsors.
TEAM - Family and Friends of Holiday World
Marlene - a.k.a. Mama De Misiones
Craig -a.k.a. D. O. S
Wyatt - a.k.a. 2 WHEELER
Janelle - a.k.a. BIRD
Cindy - a.k.a. Uhrich
Ruthie - a.k.a. RCANDO
Cyndi - a.k.a. Cyndi Too
Amy - a.k.a Wilson Phillips
I don't know for certain what our team earned for JDRF but I will let you know when I hear.
Without you all we would not have been so successful.
At times like these saying the words "Thank you" does not feel like enough. So I have tried and tried to think of another word or words and, what keeps coming to mind is ...
T H A N K Y O U !!!
At least it is a little more colorful.
Yesterday was indeed a great day! Thank you for inviting us to be a part of the Families and Friends of Holiday World team.
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