Saturday, October 6, 2007

Preparing for the 6th Annual Koenig Classic

It has been a crazy, busy week. I have been setting up activities for the kids, shopping, cleaning and continually picking up toys and putting them back where they belong. I have discovered Wyatt and Rylee DO NOT like the house completely clean. They must have at least 1 toy on the floor in every room of the house or they are not happy. I mean it... they pout and whine if the house is clean. UNBELIEVABLE!

Poor Craig trying to get use to his new CAREER and also getting everything ready for the party.
He has been bring in picnic tables, setting up a stage for the band, oh, and digging the hole for the port-a-potty.

Those of you I haven't told, I am a very proud wife of Holiday World's new Director of Safety. WHOOO HOOO! Very proud! He will no longer be building roller coasters and water slides. He will be making sure everyone is doing their job SAFELY among many other things. Love ya, Honey!