Monday, October 29, 2007

Camping at Lincoln State Park

Another great weekend. I really did not want to go at first. It was very cold and rainy on all week. But, as soon as we got there it cleared a bit and we stayed really warm Friday night in Grandma and Papaws camper. Thanks Grandma and Papaw! All the campsites were decorated in Holloween themes. It was remarkable and the kids loved it. You would not believe the time and money people spend on decorating their campsites.
All the kids started trick-or-treating about 3pm and it was over by dark. We ended up running out of candy so we had to recycle. Wyatt and Rylee will never miss it. I don't let them eat much candy anyway. It makes Wyatt completely wild and Rylee hardly eats anything anyway so the last thing I want to give her is candy.
While we were camping we ran into the cast of Gilligan's Island.
I had to get their picture.