Thursday, October 11, 2007

The 6th Annual Koenig Classic!

What a great day! It was a little hot but it cooled off as the sun went down. The food was great and thanks to everyone that brought a dish. I have washed everything and you can now claim it. We still have a few items from last year as well. Craig and I both received many complements on how well the party is and how it seems to get better every year. We couldn't do it without you all! Every year we have more items donated and everybody is eager to get involved.

Next year I will get a group photo.
The band claims that all Craig's friends must be very fertile, because there were three times as many kids there this year than last. There were so many on the trampoline that they all had to jump in a large circle going clockwise. It was quite a sight. I think Craig's playground was a hit too. You notice I said "Craig's playground" He is very proud of it. I believe before he is finished with it, it will be larger than the house...
No Kidding! Take a look...
Accommodations for our weekend guests.

Little kids playing...

Big kids playing...