Thursday, August 16, 2007

Wyatt's day at school!

Well I guess Wyatt had a really good day at school. He got off the bus smiling ear to ear. I asked him how his day was and he said "Fine" I asked him what he did in school and he said " I took a nap!" He couldn't think of anything else he did. I asked him if he made any friends and he said "Trenton" Whoo Hooo! It was a total success. I am sure I will still worry about the bus ride though.

My little school boy getting off the school bus!

Oh, Rylee is doing great at the sitters. The babysitter's 2 year old has been running a fever. Rylee was running a fever last night but was OK this morning. She is a tough little cookie until she is sick. She will never be able to hide being sick. You can tell by looking at her eyes if she does not feel well.