Tuesday, July 31, 2007

The kids have a new Babysitter!

Anyone that knows me well, knows how hard of a time I have with Babysitters. I am very picky and living away from the city does not leave many choices. The good ones end up quiting all together and I haven't really had real bad ones, just indifferent.
I have rules... No hitting or saying bad words (stupid, jerk etc). Not too much TV, about 1-2 hours and no TMNT, Power Rangers, Sponge Bob and stuff like that. Oh and no Junk Food.
I don't think that is asking too much.
I am forever in search of ... The Perfect Babysitter and the Perfect Purse.
Wyatt starts school on the 15th. He will be taking a bus. UGH! I hope I can handle it. He is only 4! He is so excited, he can't wait!